Cublington Crier

Following a new monthly charge relating the to previously free web publishing site, we have opted to publish the Crier here each month.

If I forget or it’s a little late, please forgive me but email me on to give me a nudge.

Hope it works ok.

Cublington Remembers

The 11th November marked the 100th anniversary of the end of WW1.
To mark this occasion the residents of Cublington curated an incredible exhibition of social history, focusing on family members of Cublington residents who served, and some who made the ultimate sacrifice.
This short article tells just some of these stories with a focus on current residents and their connection to both wars and other conflicts.

Please forgive any omissions or inaccuracies.

Many thanks to all who gave their time to curate such a moving archive available here as a pdf download. It is hoped that in time many more documents and information from the exhibition will be published online.

Cublington Remembers

Best Kept Village – judges’ comments

Best Kept Village Competition 2018, Gurney Cup

Judges’ comments

VILLAGE/TOWN: Cublington

The church graveyard is very well maintained – including some of the old, unremembered graves – and is in keeping with the nearby conservation area. The Unicorn pub over the road looked attractive with its flower baskets.

The cricket field was in excellent condition and an asset to community life; the area close to the green shed could have been tidier. The children’s playground could not be faulted. There is perhaps scope for creating a managed wildlife area on the slope behind the cricket pavilion.

The Village Hall looked in good condition and its surroundings neat and litter free. We liked the imaginative ‘Cublington Nursery’ notice and the village sign. The notice board gave details of local events but we didn’t see a ‘Best Kept Village’ notice. The other notice board, in Bell Close, appeared to have been the subject of vandalism since there was nothing on it but a few scraps of torn paper. Had we arrived on an unfortunate day?

The hedge on the north side of the High Street leading to the crossroads was overgrown at the time of our visit, limiting safe use of the narrow footpath. This needs attention as the path is presumably used by schoolchildren.

The pond at the crossroads would benefit from sensitive planting along its edges, particularly where it faces the road. This would not only enhance its appearance but would make it safer, as it presents a potential hazard to careless walkers. (Incidentally, your map highlighted the wrong pond!)

Generally, the village presents a pleasant and attractive impression and shows good evidence of community effort.

Orchard Ground joins the Vale Lottery

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If the answer is yes, then don’t miss this opportunity to sign up for the Vale Lottery and at the same time raise additional funding for the Orchard Ground Association.
The Vale Lottery is a new initiative that has just been launched to support Aylesbury based causes and give anyone in the UK the opportunity to win £20,000.

All supporters will get the chance to win prizes for just £1 per week.
Every ticket has a 1 in 50 chance of winning a prize every week!
The draw will take place every Saturday night. The first draw took place on Saturday 28th November 2015.
Winners will be advised directly, so if you don’t have the time to check if you’ve won, the Vale Lottery will let you know! Importantly Orchard Ground Association will receive 50% of all ticket sales from our supporters that sign up!

All you have to do to sign up by visiting our Vale Lottery page at (click on the link below) and follow the instructions.
Supporters have several options on how to pay, either by Direct Debit or Card payment and can sign up to both recurring monthly payments (which can be stopped at any time) or fixed periods of 13, 26 or 52 weeks payable in advance via a card.
Don’t miss the chance to win £20,000 and support the Orchard Ground Association!
Feel free to pass on the details to any friends and family as the more people that sign up, the more money raised for our facilities.

Thank you for your continued support and good luck to everyone who enters the draw!

Mike Waples Memorial Walk Lecturn






Just 16 days to go of crowdfunding

It is now over a year since Mike Waples passed away. He was a well known local character, always happy and liked by everyone who knew him.

He was also a keen walker and with the local group (The RAMS), he and they walked hundreds of miles together. Partly for this reason it has been decided to create a village walk in his memory. Set on a steel lecturn, there will be a map, of the local area with the route marked out for anyone to follow. The walk will be 1-2 miles long. Subject to permission being granted from the Parish Council, the lecturn will be placed on the Nob. There may also be a commemorative tree planted alongside.
If anyone who knew him would like to contribute to the cost, it would be very gratefully received. There is also a jar on the bar in The Unicorn should you wish to donate by more conventional means.